A country that someday I will visit!

2015-07-17 23.18.07.jpg


Resultado de imagen para london tumblrThat is one of the best things that any person should do while they're alive. I think that is a very enjoyable activity, If I could, I would be always travelling around the world, there are just so many things to see and to do! The only problem for me is that I can't afford it :(... It is so sad. Anyway, today, as the first post of the term I'm telling you about a country that I would like to visit. (There are a lot of one that I would like to go, though, anyway I'm choosing just one for today).

Resultado de imagen para london tumblr gif

Resultado de imagen para london tumblrResultado de imagen para london tumblr

As you may notice, England is my country, one of my dreams is to visit it because I think that is an AMAZING country and  I truly love British accent... I don't know too much about it, however, I have seen lots and lots of pictures and I just love it! 

I would do a lot of things over there, the principal is to visit the platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross station... Just to get to Hogwarts you know! 
Resultado de imagen para estacion 9 3/4 londres tumblrI have always wanted to enter in one of those red telephone booths and take a tour on one of those red buses, all seem to be red in London HAHAHA. I would also like to boat through the Thames river and finally visit the Big Ben clock.

I will definitely love to study, work, live and stay there forever... I would improve my English and I would be closer from other countries that I would like to visit, also Aas they're more advanced I think that I could have more possibilities to get a better job as a Biochemical professional... I don't know it would be just wonderful to live there.

I hope you've enjoyed yourself reading this post, till the next time!


  1. I agree with you... London is Amazing! The gift that you post is a good representation about London

  2. So that's why you were saying wingardium leviosa while you were writing! I hope you can visit the platform 9 and 3/4 some day:)

  3. I chose England too haha, it is an amazing country!


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