
Changes are always necessary for life, they are able to improve things most of the times, for example, we are an ensemble of thousands of cells that have genetic information that came from our parents; but Why are we different? many changes happened in the moment that we were conceived and, the principal ones were in the DNA that is in our cells that is sort of a mix of our mom's and dad's one. Adaptations happen because of the changes... if an animal cannot adapt to new conditions they die and its species could disappear... However not all the changes are for good, again comparing with our body, there are a lot of mutations happening because of diverse factors and those cells that mutate are usually killed in ''a protection mode'' for the ''healthy cells''. Although sometimes these mutations persist and they make different changes in our body and the results are not good, just to mention, cancer is the result of ''bad changes'' in our cells. 

So what changes would I make in my career to improve it? I actually find my career pretty good, is a beautiful and so interesting one... but we always want more.... so what I would do is, for example, improve the labs for the freshers and buy more materials, in our classes we usually use broken glass materials or stained materials which I think is not cool. Subjects are pretty much ok, I think that they correspond to what we need but some of them are giving by teachers that are not pedagogues so they, in my opinion, don't teach in the best way, I think that is a very important thing to change, every teacher (most of them are scientists that are kind of force to give classes) must have a course on teaching and must demonstrate that the could teach well. 

Another thing that I would ''implement'' is to give more support material for students, and by that I mean exercises or notes recommendations by teachers. I know that there is plenty of books... but a teacher recommendation would be better than spend a lot of time searching for the most appropriate one. In the area of infrastructure, I think that our faculty it's ok... but we might have more and better places to have fun, green areas, gyms or swimming pools etc.  

That's in my opinion what should change, Do you agree? 
Resultado de imagen para changes


  1. I greatly support the idea of a greater student material

  2. Why the dean don't read this? :(

  3. I think many of us think the same with regard to some teachers


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